Client Feedback - Babba - Horse
‘In the fall of 2022, my 14 year old quarter horse, Babba, developed stumbling problems, coordination problems and behavioral problems which were later diagnosed as EPM along with untreated trauma issues. Because he was rapidly diagnosed, he had a fighting chance of recovering. But where do you go for additional help other than the local vet, who happened to be absolutely wonderful.
In steps Shelly Martin. Shelly has been instrumental in assisting me with Babba’s recovery and reestablishing coordination, strength, and health through her treatments of TBT. The Improvement in Babba has been astonishing! He no longer trips, falls, or has abnormal behavioral issues. Babba is a sweet gentleman and is fully cooperative in what is asked of him. He no longer spooks dramatically or overreacts on trail rides or in the arena.
EPM left him with some limitations, such as diminished muscle mass, right eye distortions to name a few. Shelley has been instrumental in facilitating improvement on a treatment by treatment basis. He has more muscle mass, the topline is coming back, and coordination is improving every day. There is less spooking, as well as the resolution of some trauma issues from his past.
Shelly Martin is a quiet, patient, competent person, who is efficient with her time and your horse. I cannot recommend her highly enough! Please give Shelly Martin time with your horse. You too will see tremendous improvement over time.’
Patty L, -Washoe Valley, Nevada